
About CoderVlogger. What is and isn't CoderVlogger. Content types and the monetization strategy.

Hi! My name is Kanan Rahimov and I run CoderVlogger.

What is CoderVlogger?

CoderVlogger is where I share posts, tutorials, and video content about building software applications — from planning and system design to writing implementation code, tests, and, finally, deployment and delivery.

Additionally, I also share my experience of building in public, open-source, and Today-I-Learned materials.

Is it all free and public?

Most content published as part of CoderVlogger (this website, Medium, or YouTube) is publicly available.

Parts where I put the most effort — usually the code base and additional in-depth explanations — will be available only for members of CoderVlogger.

As I mentioned above, I also plan to share knowledge and learning point around my product developments, and these things will be exclusively available to the members of the CoderVlogger during the development process. But once they are ready as a standalone product, they will also be available for purchase for everyone else as a standalone product.

Content Types 📹

1. Public Content


  • #DevLogs - daily coding videos with progress updates; more like daily standups in scrum teams;
  • Coding videos - videos and articles about specific programming topics in the context of a project; these are basically tutorials from an existing (real-world) project;



  • Available to everyone;
  • In fact, when I have more sustainable income from CoderVlogger, the amount of Public Content will be always more than paid content. I promise 🤞.

2. Advanced Content


  • In-depth and detailed learning materials; also focused on a specific project;
  • Additional explanatory resources for a publicly available topic;
  • Extended daily updates for paid members;



  • Registered members (for now only via CoderVlogger.com);
  • Paid memberships;
  • Paid tutorial and courses;

How to follow? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nowadays, there are a lot of means of content creation. Therefore, I will mainly use video format alongside my blog posts. In addition, I plan to have more live streams and workshops for pro-members in the future.

Primary Accounts

YouTube. In most cases, there will be an explanation video with follow-up materials.

CoderVlogger.com. Most topics will have a follow-up one or a few posts/articles.

Twitter. All of them will have tweets. How else? :)
